Protection of personal data

Personal Data Protection Policy in Smarti d.o.o. - CroHome Real Estate Agency


Smarti d.o.o. - CroHome Real Estate Agency, (hereinafter: CroHome) takes the protection of your personal data seriously and takes all necessary technical and organizational measures in accordance with the best practices of Croatian laws and the General Data Protection Regulation (EC 2016/679) – GDPR.
The CroHome information system is protected in accordance with the practices and standards. Logical and physical access to system components is managed in accordance with applicable standards, and users are regularly trained and informed about the importance of information security and privacy.
The specific purpose and manner of processing your personal data depends largely on the type of business relationship on the basis of which we collect your data. In our business, we are guided by the basic principles of personal data protection, which means that we process data lawfully, transparently and fairly, and that the processing is limited only to the purpose for which the data was collected, as well as that only the data that is necessary for that purpose is processed.

We will only retain your personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing, except in the case where we are required by certain regulations to retain personal data for a longer period of time or in the case where our legitimate interests require it (e.g. for the purpose of establishing, exercising or protecting legal claims). The accuracy, reliability, confidentiality and integrity of your personal data are also the principles that guide our processing. Access to your personal data is only granted to CroHome agents and partners who provide us with business support (processors).
In order to comply with the above regulatory requirements, several different departments operate in our company to ensure a multidisciplinary approach to safeguarding and protecting the privacy of our customers, business partners, job applicants and other individuals whose data we collect in our company. In doing so, we regularly train our employees and conclude appropriate protective measures with partners who support the company. If you do not agree with CroHome's privacy policy, please do not use our website and do not provide your personal information. Any changes to CroHome's privacy policy will be posted on this website.



The controller of personal data processing is Smarti d.o.o., real estate agency CroHome with its registered office in Rijeka, Dolac 9.  OIB: 60399065936
The contact to whom you can direct your inquiries is:
Address: Dolac 9., 51000 Rijeka, E-mail-Address:

Purpose of the processing and legal basis for the processing of personal data

CroHome, as the controller of personal data, protects your privacy and processes only the personal data that is necessary and collected in the course of its business activities, regardless of whether the data comes from you, from third parties or from publicly available sources, for the following reasons: 1. Fulfilment of contractual obligations – if the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract,  in which you are involved, or is necessary for the performance of actions at your request prior to entering into a contract
2. Satisfaction of legitimate interests – where necessary, we process personal data outside the specific contractual relationship in order to satisfy our legitimate interests. Such a legitimate interest may be, for example:
• Conducting and conducting court hearings
• Detection of perpetrators of crime and prevention of fraud
• Protection of persons and property
• To meet your requirements to help us develop, deliver and improve our services, or for our internal needs, such as audits, data analysis and research to improve our products, services and communication with users
• Responding to your inquiries and comments
3. Necessary compliance with legal obligations – with regard to various business activities, CroHome has to comply with numerous legal obligations. For example, we are obliged to act in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act, the Real Estate Agents Act, etc.
4. Processing personal data for a specific purpose or set of specific purposes described by consent, only where we have obtained your consent to process personal data for a specific purpose. Your consent is in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulation, is unconditional and is given voluntarily. You also reserve the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
 If we process your personal data for purposes not described herein, or other than the purpose for which you have given your consent, we will notify you prior to such a Provide processing information about that other purpose and any other relevant processing information.

What personal data do we collect and how do we obtain it?

First of all, we process the personal data that we collect during the business relationship, such as first name, last name, OIB, address, property information, etc. However, if it is necessary for the performance of our business and is not related to a specific contractual or business relationship, we collect data from public sources (Court Register, Land Registry, FINA) or lawfully communicated to us by other companies, other contractors or third parties.

Are you obliged to provide us with personal data?

You are not obligated. Please note, however, that in some cases where you refuse the requested data, CroHome will not be able to enter into a contractual relationship with you or comply with its legal and contractual obligations. For example, without your identification, we will not be able to fulfil those obligations for which applicable law requires a clear identification of the client.

The period for which the data will be stored

CroHome will only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil its contractual or legal obligation or legitimate interest, except in the case of processing personal data on the basis of consent, if the processing ends at the time of withdrawal of your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending a request: - to the e-mail address:
Please note that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal.
When your personal data is no longer necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purpose, it will be destroyed, unless further storage is required by law.

Who is the recipient of your personal data?

CroHome undertakes to keep your personal data secure and not to disclose or make it available to third parties without your specific consent, except:
• Service providers that we engage as processors for tasks related to the performance of a contract to which you are a party (e.g. a law firm, competent services for shifting overheads)
• competent authorities to carry out tasks within their competence (e.g. tax administration, Ministry of the Interior)
• if this information is requested by the court or the competent public prosecutor's office or other bodies in equivalent court proceedings
• if CroHome is required by law to provide this information.

What rights do you have in connection with the processing of personal data?

Depending on the legal basis of the processing, your rights may be as follows:
• Request access to your personal data, i.e. You have the right to information about the scope of the data collected, the purpose of the processing, the category of personal data processed, the recipients to whom the data is made available and the storage period
• request the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data, in which case we are obliged to comply with your request without undue delay
• Object to the processing of personal data in the case of processing based on the legitimate interests of CroHome or in the case of processing for direct marketing purposes
• Request the erasure of data when the purpose of the processing has been fulfilled, when you withdraw consent as the sole basis of the processing, when your interest in data protection outweighs CroHome's legitimate interest in the processing, when you object to processing for direct marketing purposes, when it is necessary to comply with legal obligations to which CroHome is subject, and in the event of possible unlawful processing.
The right to erasure is not an absolute right and does not apply, for example, in cases where the processing is necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of information and expression, for compliance with legal obligations to which Smarti d.o.o.- CroHome is subject, for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, etc.
• Restricting data processing, e.g. if you contest the accuracy of the data until we verify its accuracy
• transmit the data to another controller, if the processing is based on consent or the performance of a contract to which you are a party, or if the processing is carried out by automated means and is technically feasible
• lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority, i.e. the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data (AZOP).

Request access to your personal data or request the correction of your personal data

If you wish to access your personal data or believe that there have been irregularities in the processing of personal data, please contact us at the above address or email address.

Objection to the processing of personal data

If you feel that CroHome. There is no legal basis for the processing of your personal data, you can object to the above address or email address at any time.
In this case, we will no longer process your personal data and will no longer be able to provide you with our services and have a business relationship with you.